Senior Israeli Official Says All Palestinian Adults in Gaza Should Be Killed
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2025-03-03 05:51:11 UTC
The deputy speaker of the Israel parliament has called for the
separation of children from their mothers and the killing of adults in
Gaza. During an interview with Kol BaRama radio, Nissim Vaturi called
Palestinians “scoundrels” and “subhumans”, adding that this is a group
of people that cannot be accepted. “Who is innocent in Gaza? Civilians
went out and slaughtered people in cold blood,” Vaturi said on Kol
BaRama radio. “They are outcasts and no one in the world wants them,”
he said, adding that Israel needs to “separate the children and women
and kill the adults in Gaza, we are being too considerate.”

2025-03-03 07:23:43 UTC
A smart man posted here:

According to Fondapol, a French think tank, between 1979 and May 2021,
at least 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks took place worldwide, causing
the deaths of at least 210,138 people.

By the way, this figure does not include the millions of Muslims killed
in plain old wars by other Muslims, in Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Sudan,
and basically any Muslim country.
BARRY Z. SHEIN'sh shenile circumcished jew shubmum Annie Shein
2025-03-03 14:38:38 UTC
On Mon, 3 Mar 2025 07:23:43 +0000 (UTC), jew paedophile BARUCH 'BARRY'
ZACHARY SHEIN forging as NefeshBarYochai <***@invalid.noy> forged
from STD.COM:

<jew forgery b'rissed>

Do fuck orf, jewboi.
