OT: Austrian election result
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2024-09-30 21:13:33 UTC
So the far-right Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs got the most votes.
Intersting to see the breakdown of votes. They did very well in the
35-60 age bracket. The oldies continued voting for the traditional major
parties. Also comparing with previous election, they took many votes off
the centre-right Österreichische Volkspartei, but also got many votes
from people that did not vote 5 years ago. Surprisingly, some voters
switched from the centre-left Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs.
2024-09-30 21:26:05 UTC
Post by Ozix
So the far-right Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs got the most votes.
Intersting to see the breakdown of votes. They did very well in the
35-60 age bracket. The oldies continued voting for the traditional major
parties. Also comparing with previous election, they took many votes off
the centre-right Österreichische Volkspartei, but also got many votes
from people that did not vote 5 years ago. Surprisingly, some voters
switched from the centre-left Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs.
Indeed very bed news.

Yeah. Not a good news for Austria. These creeps are
closet-racist/closet-neo-Nazi hard-right scumbags. There is absolutely
nothing *Freiheitlich* (Freiheit=Freedom) about them just as nothing
really "Liberal" about our Lie-beral party.

But it seems we live in an age of dumbed down rightwing populism until
people finally wake up and realise what a society wide misery such
politics and politicians create.
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-09-30 22:30:54 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
Post by Ördög
Post by Ozix
So the far-right Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs got the most votes.
Intersting to see the breakdown of votes. They did very well in the
35-60 age bracket. The oldies continued voting for the traditional
major parties. Also comparing with previous election, they took many
votes off the centre-right Österreichische Volkspartei, but also got
many votes from people that did not vote 5 years ago. Surprisingly,
some voters switched from the centre-left Sozialdemokratische Partei
Indeed very bed news.
Yeah. Not a good news for Austria. These creeps are
closet-racist/closet-neo-Nazi hard-right scumbags. There is absolutely
nothing *Freiheitlich* (Freiheit=Freedom) about them just as nothing
really "Liberal" about our Lie-beral party.
But it seems we live in an age of dumbed down rightwing populism until
people finally wake up and realise what a society wide misery such
politics and politicians create.
Maybe because they don't want your dumbed down leftwing populism crammed
down their throats and see their freedoms destroyed by Marxists?  Maybe
it's that.
Rod Speed
2024-09-30 23:54:21 UTC
Post by Janithor
x-no-archive: yes
Post by Ördög
So the far-right Freiheitliche Partei =D6sterreichs got the most vot=
es. =
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
Intersting to see the breakdown of votes. They did very well in the =
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
35-60 age bracket. The oldies continued voting for the traditional =
major parties. Also comparing with previous election, they took many=
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
votes off the centre-right =D6sterreichische Volkspartei, but also g=
ot =
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
many votes from people that did not vote 5 years ago. Surprisingly, =
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
some voters switched from the centre-left Sozialdemokratische Partei=
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
Indeed very bed news.
Yeah. Not a good news for Austria. These creeps are =
closet-racist/closet-neo-Nazi hard-right scumbags. There is absolutel=
y =
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
nothing *Freiheitlich* (Freiheit=3DFreedom) about them just as nothin=
g =
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
really "Liberal" about our Lie-beral party.
But it seems we live in an age of dumbed down rightwing populism unti=
l =
Post by Janithor
Post by Ördög
people finally wake up and realise what a society wide misery such =
politics and politicians create.
Maybe because they don't want your dumbed down leftwing populism cramm=
ed =
Post by Janithor
down their throats and see their freedoms destroyed by Marxists? Mayb=
e =
Post by Janithor
it's that.
Nope, its about immigrants and sanctions against Russia.
2024-10-01 00:05:23 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Janithor
x-no-archive: yes
Post by Ördög
Post by Ozix
So the far-right Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs got the most
votes. Intersting to see the breakdown of votes. They did very well
in the 35-60 age bracket. The oldies continued voting for the
traditional major parties. Also comparing with previous election,
they took many votes off the centre-right Österreichische
Volkspartei, but also got many votes from people that did not vote
5 years ago. Surprisingly, some voters switched from the
centre-left Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs.
Indeed very bed news.
Yeah. Not a good news for Austria. These creeps are
closet-racist/closet-neo-Nazi hard-right scumbags. There is
absolutely nothing *Freiheitlich* (Freiheit=Freedom) about them just
as nothing really "Liberal" about our Lie-beral party.
But it seems we live in an age of dumbed down rightwing populism
until people finally wake up and realise what a society wide misery
such politics and politicians create.
Maybe because they don't want your dumbed down leftwing populism
crammed down their throats and see their freedoms destroyed by
Marxists?  Maybe it's that.
Nope, its about immigrants and sanctions against Russia.
I just like zinging Ordog.

Rod Speed
2024-09-30 23:52:43 UTC
So the far-right Freiheitliche Partei =D6sterreichs got the most votes=

But given that its only 30% of the votes and no one that matters
is interested in forming a govt with them, rather academic.
Intersting to see the breakdown of votes.
No way to know that with a secret ballot.
They did very well in the 35-60 age bracket.
The oldies continued voting for the traditional major parties.
It is one of the major partys.
Also comparing with previous election, they took many votes off the =
centre-right =D6sterreichische Volkspartei, but also got many votes fr=
om =
people that did not vote 5 years ago.
Which isnt surprising given that the change is mostly
about immigrants and sanctions against Russia.
Surprisingly, some voters switched from the centre-left =
Sozialdemokratische Partei =D6sterreichs.
Not surprising either given that change is mostly
about immigrants and sanctions against Russia.