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Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonPopulism has destroyed democracy.
Democracy is nothing even remotely like destroyed OK, populism has displaced democracy.
Bullshit, democracy has always involved populism
But never to this degree.
Bullshit, most obviously during the great depression.
Post by Peter JasonHow can it get any worse?
By the govt over ruling the reserve
bank and forcing interest rate cuts.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonGiving the sheeple what they want
is not always what they need.
Have fun coming up with a better alternative
1/ Luxury taxes?
2/ Tariffs?
3/ Raise the GST to international levels.
That's not an alternative to democracy, stupid.
of course not. It would help the sheeple save more.
Bullshit with tariffs and increasing the GST
Post by Peter JasonIn particular,
increase the departure taxes at airports ($2000/head) to encourage
spending in Oz.
Wouldnt help anyone to save more either.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedWestern europe tried luxury taxes and it doesnt work,
essentially because the rich can go anywhere they like
The rich are too few. I mean the reckless spending on useless items.
You don't get to decide what are useless items.
And doing that is politically unsellable anyway.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedTariffs just prop up useless parasites like the local
american car industrys and useless parasites like you
Tariffs have always been around, even in antiquity,
Irrelevant to whether it makes any sense now.
Makes no sense to make imported stuff more expensive
given that the unemployment rate is already so low that
only the unemployable can't get a job.
Post by Peter Jasonmainly as a startup help for locals.
Makes no sense to be helping startups
to make what we import currently.
Post by Peter JasonRemember the gilded age in America.
Nothing even remotely like the current situation.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedNo point in increasing taxes to give fuckwit
pollys more money to piss against the wall.
It's the sheeple, not the pollys.
Increasing the GST gives more to
the pollys to piss against the wall.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter Jasonwere the ruling class, bred over the ages to be better rulers.
Bullshit. Have fun listing even one better ruler.
Well, the blood-soaked 20th century had a good try, but....
WW1 was those useless parasties trying to rip each
others throats out using the lives of their 'subjects'
They didn't have the time to evolve into Parliamentry democracy...
Bullshit with all except Russia.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedAnd that's true in spades of the countless wars before that.
Now western europe has come to its
senses and doesnt do that anymore
essentially because the fuckwit royal
parasites have mostly been given the
bums rush or have been killed or have
been made completely irrelevant politically.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonThen came the communists
Then came democracy LONG before that.
None of those ever managed anything.
Post by Peter Jasonwho let idealism run rampant.
That never happened anywhere.
Stalin? Robespierre? Danton?
None of those had anything to do with idealism.
Wot..? Do know this lot?
Yep. Stalin was never about idealism.
Robespierre never had any real power.
Danton in spades.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonAnd Keynes and his disciple Greenspan, whos reckless low
interest rates have given us the speculative property "boom"
Keynes never produced any property boom
except in the sense of his policys getting us
out of the great depression.
It's arguable WWII did that,
Bullshit. The US economy had recovered to
better than pre 1029 GDP levels well before WW2
due to the use of Keynesian deficit spending.
It is bullshit free.
Post by Peter JasonDeficit spending? Wot's that?
Spending more than is being collected in taxes
Nope, the national debt run up fixing the great
depression was repaid. In spades with the
borrowing which paid for WW2 in the USA
Post by Peter JasonNow we know why the USA owes $trillions!
Didnt happen with the great depression and WW2 debt.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedSo did Germany, tho Adolf never called it that, but
that's how he did that, just like FDR did in the USA.
At least Adolf-the-wise was going to repay bylooting France, Eastern =
The USA didnt need to loot anyone and
in fact spent lots on the Marshall Plan that
ensured that we wouldnt see yet another
world war in the next generation.
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter Jasonbut when Keynes and FDR did their little
belly-rub in the 1930s, they forgot the Sunset Clause, and so every
politician since has used largess to win elections.
That's pig ignorant bullshit with Ike post WW2
It isn't bullshit at all. It's all in the history books!
Its complete and utter bullshit and no history books say
anything even remotely like that with Truman and Ike
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter Jasonresulting in $trillions sitting in housing wasting assets.
Works a hell of a lot better than govt housing.
Why, do the roofs leak?
They don't
Post by Peter JasonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Peter JasonAnd the sheeple wonder why everythings's expensive!
Who's gonna pay...?
Apr=E8s moi le d=E9luge!
Fuck off wog boy
I've already fucked off.
OK, off to jail for you.
Post by Peter JasonBut like Nanny McPhee and Arnie I'm BACK!