Fark, wota packa terminal fuckwits
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Rod Speed
2024-09-27 05:39:33 UTC

Guess there are plenty more where they came from
2024-09-27 08:47:34 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
More than 1000000000, asshole.
Peter Jason
2024-09-27 22:39:31 UTC
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 15:39:33 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Indeed. But have you considered this may be a form of Darwinian
natural selection? All species breed up to a point where the better
sort survive. And how did the Pacific Islanders maintain stable
populations other than by exporting, infanticide, war, and human

But Ron, do not despair, for there are plans afoot to alter the
genome to change the Male/Female birth ration from 50:50 to 75:25
thereby gradually culling the surplus population without disease and

Be reminded of the heroic experiment in South Africa where the powers
there found a deadly short-term virus transmitted by flies, released
with the north wind towards the black ghettoes? This failed, but
others are still trying!

Need I remind you of the courageous efforts of Sangay Gandhi, with
his mobile vasectomy clinics out to give young men the BIG snip?

It is known that gamma rays can induce sterility in many species.
Perhaps Mossad is beavering away at this, even as we speak!
Rod Speed
2024-09-27 23:42:27 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Indeed. But have you considered this may be a form of Darwinian
natural selection?
Not a chance, they still ended up with more of them than even china.
Post by Peter Jason
All species breed up to a point where the better sort survive.
That hasnt happened in even one modern first world country
now and in the vast bulk of second world countrys either.
Post by Peter Jason
And how did the Pacific Islanders maintain stable populations
They didnt, and had to emigrate all over the pacific because they
couldnt do that, even when they quite literally ate each other
Post by Peter Jason
other than by exporting, infanticide, war, and human sacrifice?
Corse nothing like that happened anywhere else, eh ?
Post by Peter Jason
But Ron, do not despair, for there are plans afoot to alter the
genome to change the Male/Female birth ration from 50:50 to 75:25
thereby gradually culling the surplus population without disease and
No need given that now that EVERYWHERE
has already slashed their birth rate dramatically
except where it is already right down in the noise.
Post by Peter Jason
Be reminded of the heroic experiment in South Africa where the powers
there found a deadly short-term virus transmitted by flies, released
with the north wind towards the black ghettoes? This failed, but
others are still trying!
Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed drunken psychotic fantasys
Post by Peter Jason
Need I remind you of the courageous efforts of Sangay Gandhi, with
his mobile vasectomy clinics out to give young men the BIG snip?
Didnt work either.
Post by Peter Jason
It is known that gamma rays can induce sterility in many species.
Perhaps Mossad is beavering away at this, even as we speak!
Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed drunken psychotic fantasys
2024-10-05 22:08:59 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 15:39:33 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Indeed. But have you considered this may be a form of Darwinian
natural selection? All species breed up to a point where the better
sort survive. And how did the Pacific Islanders maintain stable
populations other than by exporting, infanticide, war, and human
But Ron, do not despair, for there are plans afoot to alter the
genome to change the Male/Female birth ration from 50:50 to 75:25
thereby gradually culling the surplus population without disease and
That has happened effectively in the rich countries where young people
care not much to have children.
Post by Peter Jason
Be reminded of the heroic experiment in South Africa where the powers
there found a deadly short-term virus transmitted by flies, released
with the north wind towards the black ghettoes? This failed, but
others are still trying!
When they get rich they will stop having surplus children. No need for
Post by Peter Jason
Need I remind you of the courageous efforts of Sangay Gandhi, with
his mobile vasectomy clinics out to give young men the BIG snip?
Much good that did the Gandhis.
Post by Peter Jason
It is known that gamma rays can induce sterility in many species.
Perhaps Mossad is beavering away at this, even as we speak!
They should have more important things to do. Like putting bombs in
Peter Jason
2024-10-06 21:45:23 UTC
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 15:39:33 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Indeed. But have you considered this may be a form of Darwinian
natural selection? All species breed up to a point where the better
sort survive. And how did the Pacific Islanders maintain stable
populations other than by exporting, infanticide, war, and human
But Ron, do not despair, for there are plans afoot to alter the
genome to change the Male/Female birth ration from 50:50 to 75:25
thereby gradually culling the surplus population without disease and
That has happened effectively in the rich countries where young people
care not much to have children.
This true at present. But this can vary with the fashion.
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
Be reminded of the heroic experiment in South Africa where the powers
there found a deadly short-term virus transmitted by flies, released
with the north wind towards the black ghettoes? This failed, but
others are still trying!
When they get rich they will stop having surplus children. No need for
Colonialism ended in the 1960s, but nothing has changed.
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
Need I remind you of the courageous efforts of Sangay Gandhi, with
his mobile vasectomy clinics out to give young men the BIG snip?
Much good that did the Gandhis.
Yes, sad!
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
It is known that gamma rays can induce sterility in many species.
Perhaps Mossad is beavering away at this, even as we speak!
They should have more important things to do. Like putting bombs in
Still, the end game has not yet been found. Like the Medieval
crusades the Zionists muscelled in on Arab territories but refuse to
integrate with them!
Rod Speed
2024-10-07 03:56:00 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Indeed. But have you considered this may be a form of Darwinian
natural selection? All species breed up to a point where the better
sort survive. And how did the Pacific Islanders maintain stable
populations other than by exporting, infanticide, war, and human
But Ron, do not despair, for there are plans afoot to alter the
genome to change the Male/Female birth ration from 50:50 to 75:25
Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
thereby gradually culling the surplus population without disease and
That has happened effectively in the rich countries where young people
care not much to have children.
This true at present. But this can vary with the fashion.
Nothing to do with fashion. Its essentially the
result of both working full time and how hard
it is to have kids when you do that.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
Be reminded of the heroic experiment in South Africa where the powers
there found a deadly short-term virus transmitted by flies, released
with the north wind towards the black ghettoes? This failed, but
others are still trying!
When they get rich they will stop having surplus children. No need for
Colonialism ended in the 1960s,
Nopw, Purin still does it, moet obviously with chechnya and the crimea and
the Ukraine
and China with Tibet
Post by Peter Jason
but nothing has changed.
Lots has changed with birth rates. Birth rates have
dropped dramatically EVERYWHERE except where
they are right down in the noise already

Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
Need I remind you of the courageous efforts of Sangay Gandhi, with
his mobile vasectomy clinics out to give young men the BIG snip?
Much good that did the Gandhis.
Yes, sad!
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
It is known that gamma rays can induce sterility in many species.
Perhaps Mossad is beavering away at this, even as we speak!
They should have more important things to do. Like putting bombs in
Still, the end game has not yet been found.
Doesnt need to be.
Post by Peter Jason
Like the Medieval crusades the Zionists muscelled inon Arab territories
but refuse to integrate with them!
Nothing like in fact
2024-10-07 10:32:50 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 15:39:33 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Indeed. But have you considered this may be a form of Darwinian
natural selection? All species breed up to a point where the better
sort survive. And how did the Pacific Islanders maintain stable
populations other than by exporting, infanticide, war, and human
But Ron, do not despair, for there are plans afoot to alter the
genome to change the Male/Female birth ration from 50:50 to 75:25
thereby gradually culling the surplus population without disease and
That has happened effectively in the rich countries where young people
care not much to have children.
This true at present. But this can vary with the fashion.
More chances with free child care, less tax, low interest rates, better
romance, supportive grandparents, cheaper houses, better transport...

Yes when the fashion becomes to follow Arindam's thoughts things will
become far better. Hydrogen economy, far better lyrics, religion,
physics, metaphysics, philosophy... will make humans far better.

Throwing out Einstein's wrong physics is a first step.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
Be reminded of the heroic experiment in South Africa where the powers
there found a deadly short-term virus transmitted by flies, released
with the north wind towards the black ghettoes? This failed, but
others are still trying!
When they get rich they will stop having surplus children. No need for
Colonialism ended in the 1960s, but nothing has changed.
Actually things have gone worse. Thomas Sowell explains lucidly. Liars,
thieves, murderers, frauds etc. financed by global mafias have filled
the power vacuum in many places where is so-called democracy. Standards
have lowered. In India the Empire (post 1857) sparked each other off,
doing both parties good. Loss of Empire has been devastating for
educational and cultural standards. The USSR did fill in nobly but it
too collapsed. Disgusting selfish-greedy-violent-polluting
Americanisation is now the post colonial curse.

In communist or feudal societies (Vietnam, China, Thailand) things are
Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
Need I remind you of the courageous efforts of Sangay Gandhi, with
his mobile vasectomy clinics out to give young men the BIG snip?
Much good that did the Gandhis.
Yes, sad!
No, not at all. There was plenty of rejoicing when that one died.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by bertietaylor
Post by Peter Jason
It is known that gamma rays can induce sterility in many species.
Perhaps Mossad is beavering away at this, even as we speak!
They should have more important things to do. Like putting bombs in
Still, the end game has not yet been found. Like the Medieval
crusades the Zionists muscelled in on Arab territories but refuse to
integrate with them!
Very sad. The Arabs cannot stand the land grab by European rejects sent
as the latest of the crusaders.

2024-09-28 01:44:37 UTC
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 15:39:33 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Crowd size not mentioned, the population is over 40 million
Din't even believe crowd control possible with such huge numbers!

But yes Indian job replacement is real in Australia
Even Joe Biden was replaced by a Indian
Gina Rinehart Iron mining town is unoficially known as "Litte India"
If in doubt kick them out!
Politician's are nothing more than a con game in insincerity!

Charlatanism is a necessary price of political freedom and if
a self-proclaimed politician, persuades others to believe in
a party which propounds, lack of sincerity or integrity on
the parties part, but is not incompatible with the parties
character or their beliefs, practices and observances and
being accepted by their voters, why not?

ALWAYS Vote oligarchies Coalition, Labor, "Greens"
*LAST*, Federal State and Council!
Rod Speed
2024-09-28 07:18:25 UTC
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Guess there are plenty more where they came from
Crowd size not mentioned,
But with drowning, more people doesnt produce more drownings.
Post by Petzl
the population is over 40 million
Din't even believe crowd control possible with such huge numbers!
Has nothing to do with crowd control.
Post by Petzl
But yes Indian job replacement is real in Australia
Even Joe Biden was replaced by a Indian
Gina Rinehart Iron mining town is unoficially known as "Litte India"