Petz's mental condition must be getting worse as he is now more and more
starting to reply to his own posts.
Nice try snipping out the full context of my latest replies to you.
So here it is again fully restored. Ask your social worker minder to
explain it to you.
Fascism is a fully capitalist fuck up endeavour.
Yeah, yet again you have not even looked at the educational video I have
supplied for your benefit above. You did not even took that two minutes
to inform yourself properly.
You loss!
Correct. It is nothing but an oxymoron assertion concocted at the hight
of the Cold War conflating opposing political ideologies and thereby
confusing the gullible dumbed down masses for political purposes. They
hooked you for good, Petz dear!
Post by PetzlPost by PetzlBeen around since the Russian Communist revolution
The roots of fascism date as far back as the 18th Century.
*What is Fascism? (Two-Minute Takeaway)*
"How do you define and identify fascism? In this quick video we cover
the defining features that make up a fascistic ideology or regime."
Why did you not watch this educational two minutes long video?
Is it because it embarrasses you???
Post by PetzlÖrdög has truth snipped of course
You demonstrably have zero ability for recognising the difference
between truth/facts/reality and your alt-right hate fantasies/conspiracy
kookery/and manufactured anti-leftist political verbal vomits.
Propaganda tends to use selective interpretation on facts, feeds
peoples' confirmation biases, appeals to lowest common-denominator
emotions, it poisons the well, tells outright lies and spreads non-core
promises. It manipulates peoples' ability to understand their true
Post by Petzlcreating fake news
Fake news always has existed in one form or another as ruling
politicians or politicians with shady ambitions to grab power needed to
maintain or gain public support. That much is true.
But since the recent rise of the far-right in the US the term "fake
news" has become a propaganda slogan buzz word thrown around each and
every time such politicians and their brain dead fan clubs are
confronted with facts and reality. You should know that Petz dear, as
you are doing this yourself all the time.
Post by PetzlIt's also about hiding real news.
Propaganda can't hide real news.
Yes, sometimes governments and dirty politicians go to a great length
trying to hide their dirty deeds. But it is up to their political
opponents, whistle blowers and responsible journalists to dig up facts
and shine light on them. That is not an easy task as it requires lots of
resources time and legal support.
Sadly capitalist corporate media outlets are only focused on advertising
profits and don't support proper investigative journalism any more.
On tops there are a number of media outlets such as Murdoch which have
taken on the role of political activism on behalf of the ruling class.
BTW social media, your favourite sewer resource, has nothing in common
with proper journalism.
No wonder, that it is a hot bed for the creation of "fake news".
Post by PetzlRussian Communist revolution
Try to catch up Petz dear. That has happened over a century ago.
The Cold War is over, or should be. Stop fighting it!
/snip some regurgitated crap/
One wrong can never excuse another one.
Stalinism's bad deeds are not an excuse for fully capitalist fascism.
I do understand your desperation with which you are trying to rewrite
established history and are trying to ignore/hide the nastiness of your
fellow-travellers' politics. Sadly you'll never be fully successful in
that undertaking.
Unlike your ilk, contemporary leftists do not try to excuse present nor
past authoritarianism that takes place in the name of the political
Left. But while we strive to come up with something better for all
people you and ilk are boldly trying to restore those bad old days no
matter what.
:-P :-P :-P
Your idiotic extremist and/or Xtian fundy hate propaganda and high
octane Goon-bag fumes induced fantasy sig (that quite often contains
uncredited, therefore clearly plagiarised material pinched from
countless alt-right sources) was flushed down the gurgler, as always,
without reading!
The on duty Newsgroup Devil