jay ray
2024-08-30 20:42:23 UTC
This weeks Weekend Caption Contest celebrates creativity..
The assignment this week was to caption the following picture:
Here are the winning entries:
1) (Joe_Miller) How did I miss that Mime is now an Olympic sport?
2) (vern bachman)
3) (Brian Brandt) Caution: When assembling your sex doll, be sure to
follow instructions carefully.
4)(Kenny Moore) Few will remember who won the gold. Be unique, be
yourself, be memorable.
5) (cathymv) David Attenborourgh: Deep in the Australian outback we see
the elusive but deadly stiff bodied Boobie dream killer. Native to
Australia, they live in solitary concrete caves. They use mini feral
felines as companions, sometimes up to a dozen at a time. Living the
solitary life, they rarely breed leading to their rabid nature that
explodes in furious anger when mildly inconvenienced. In the twilight
hours, you can see the Boobie dream killer slink out of their caves and
commence with their mating dance.
They contort their bodies in awkward positions, arms flailing, wiggling on
the ground showing off their unused and often cobwebbed filled sexual
organs in hope of attracting a mate.
Being so solitary and irascible, they continue to search desperately for a
viral strong mate. But, as you can see, this Boobie dream killer looks to
be spending another mating season alone as there are not many Boobie dream
killer mates left in their world.
When seeing the Boobie dream killer, do not approach. They are violent and
have an odor that can make your eyes water. We always advise that you walk
away and pretend you dont know they are there. Even with the numbers of
Boobie dream killers getting decreasing each year, they have proven to be
of no use to nature and will eventually die out of existence.
6) (Retired military) Paramedics rushed onto the floor not realizing
she wasnt having a stroke
The Readers Choice Award this week goes to:
(Mary Gehman) In light of recent events, she has changed her name to
Blunder From Down Under
Best Hidden Gem:
(RockThisTown) Well, thats one way to be the best-selling Halloween
Best Banter Weight:
(McGeehee) Wait till you see Jurassic Park on Ice.
Best Sunday-11th Hour entry:
(Par4Course) Lets all do
Do the kangaroo.
Best She Who is Still Not POTUS:
(rodney dill) Performance Art: Scaling Hillarys Ass
Most Inappropriate:
(ulley) Is that a Didgeridoo between her legs
Thats all for today. A new edition of the Wizbang Weekend Caption
Contest will debut Friday morning.
The assignment this week was to caption the following picture:
Here are the winning entries:
1) (Joe_Miller) How did I miss that Mime is now an Olympic sport?
2) (vern bachman)
3) (Brian Brandt) Caution: When assembling your sex doll, be sure to
follow instructions carefully.
4)(Kenny Moore) Few will remember who won the gold. Be unique, be
yourself, be memorable.
5) (cathymv) David Attenborourgh: Deep in the Australian outback we see
the elusive but deadly stiff bodied Boobie dream killer. Native to
Australia, they live in solitary concrete caves. They use mini feral
felines as companions, sometimes up to a dozen at a time. Living the
solitary life, they rarely breed leading to their rabid nature that
explodes in furious anger when mildly inconvenienced. In the twilight
hours, you can see the Boobie dream killer slink out of their caves and
commence with their mating dance.
They contort their bodies in awkward positions, arms flailing, wiggling on
the ground showing off their unused and often cobwebbed filled sexual
organs in hope of attracting a mate.
Being so solitary and irascible, they continue to search desperately for a
viral strong mate. But, as you can see, this Boobie dream killer looks to
be spending another mating season alone as there are not many Boobie dream
killer mates left in their world.
When seeing the Boobie dream killer, do not approach. They are violent and
have an odor that can make your eyes water. We always advise that you walk
away and pretend you dont know they are there. Even with the numbers of
Boobie dream killers getting decreasing each year, they have proven to be
of no use to nature and will eventually die out of existence.
6) (Retired military) Paramedics rushed onto the floor not realizing
she wasnt having a stroke
The Readers Choice Award this week goes to:
(Mary Gehman) In light of recent events, she has changed her name to
Blunder From Down Under
Best Hidden Gem:
(RockThisTown) Well, thats one way to be the best-selling Halloween
Best Banter Weight:
(McGeehee) Wait till you see Jurassic Park on Ice.
Best Sunday-11th Hour entry:
(Par4Course) Lets all do
Do the kangaroo.
Best She Who is Still Not POTUS:
(rodney dill) Performance Art: Scaling Hillarys Ass
Most Inappropriate:
(ulley) Is that a Didgeridoo between her legs
Thats all for today. A new edition of the Wizbang Weekend Caption
Contest will debut Friday morning.