Ördög, newsgroup devil
2024-11-11 22:27:14 UTC
Permalink/friendlyjordies, 1.34M subscribers, 11 Nov 2024/
"Some quick unscripted thoughts on Trump's victory and the ramifications
for Australia's political landscape. We'll go into other factors soon in
more detailed videos."
~~~~ ~~~~
Yeah, world wide shit is dominating. The Orange Emperor is bad news, but
what lot worse is the stupidity of the miseducated and semi-literate
masses both in the USA and also here in OZ.
Policies, logic, reasoning, facts, science, humanism and good intentions
do not matter any more.
Hard-capitalist societies are circling the drain!
Your scary newsgroup shadow that says "Booo" in the night!
Your scary newsgroup shadow that says "Booo" in the night!