Post by ÃrdögPost by Daniel70Post by OzixPost by ÃrdögDaniel70
/Autosnip all home-grown and septic troll inputs/
Post by Daniel70Where the fuck do you find "AUZZIES", normal or otherwise??
Give it up, Daniel. The group of trolls you are replying to ain't
even semi literate, nor do they know anything relevant about
Australia, Australians, not the culture nor the politics.
These lowlife scumbag rightards are bored with their miserable
shit-stirrer lives, which explains most of their pathetic trolling
Usenet antics. They nicely demonstrate what has gone wrong inside
their sick-septic cavernous skulls based on manufactured US
exceptionalism propaganda.
They are just a sorry bunch of losers clearly unable to cope with
anything real outside the Net. They can't fix their own gone-to-Hell
country, so instead they set out to ruin others.
Actually, % is Canadian not American. He is a long-running usenet pest
since the mists of time.
Actually Canadians *ARE* Americans as Canada is part of NORTH AMERICA!!
Is this another pathetic example of the (North) Americian Education
I think most Canadians are OK, but clearly that endless deluge of brain
numbing idiocy emanating from its southern neighbour does rub off on
those who are somewhat mentally unstable.
I think Canada should build an impenetrable wall ASAP on its southern
border and cut off all Internet connections to the US.
If that country had any self respect and wanted to keep safe its
vulnerable citizens from that invading human filth from the US then it
shouldn't let those "insane asylum inmates, criminals, terrorists and
similar vermin (*don't blame me, I am just borrowing from great septic
leader Trump's regular rhetoric*) anywhere near its territories.
:-P shucks! I met a nice American family in Egypt a long time ago,
and they were nice people, and came from North Carolina.
But the true devil of the piece is Alan Greenspan, whos low interest-
rate policies fucked over America, leading to the dot-com bubble and
the 2008 catastrophe and the current and ongoing housing crisis. And
the export of millions of jobs to Asia. At present Alan Greenspan is
still at large, uncaged, un-hanged, free, and still lording it over
innocent students right across the Ivy-League archipelago!
And copping a huge pension to boot. He should be rotting in a gibbet.
No wonder neo-communists are stirring in their rat's nests, infecting
scholarly newsgroups like this one, causing headaches with their
pernicious doctrines, always associating with this and that cabal,
just waiting to take over!