1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
(too old to reply)
Blind Freddie
2014-07-07 00:05:20 UTC
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments

"In the 1950’s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.

The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.

*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures
and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing
but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This
is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the
truth. CG "

Blind Freddie

A brief history of FDA raids against providers of natural health

Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids on healers, vitamin
shops and supplement companies
2014-07-07 00:08:44 UTC
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:05:20 +1000, Blind Freddie
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
"In the 1950’s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.
The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.
*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures
and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing
but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This
is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the
truth. CG "
Yes, we are CONDITIONED to think that conspiracies are only
conjectures of the lunatic fringe but when people are DENIED remedies
that cure cancer because for example, they can't be patented and made
lots of money from, then it is a crime and EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION in
the medical field.


"Rockefeller's general Education Board has spent more than $100
million to gain control of the nation's medical schools and turn our
physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to
surgery and the heavy use of drugs."

History of the Pharmaceutical Drug Business - from 'Murder by
Injection - The story of the Medical Conspiracy against America' by
Eustice Mullins,
Bob Officer
2014-07-07 00:27:58 UTC
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:05:20 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Blind
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
From the actual report:
2. The facts involving the discovery of, the imports from a foreign
country of, the researches upon, and the interstate experiments,
demonstrations, and use of the various drugs, preparations, and
remedies for the treatment of the disease cancer, such drugs to
include the so-called wonder drug Krebiozen, Glyoxylide, Mucorhicin
and others.

Krebiozen was initially promoted by Stevan Durovic, a Yugoslavian
physician who claimed that the substance came from horse serum
inoculated with Actinomyces bovis.[1] Durovic claimed that Krebiozen
had been useful in the treatment of cancer, mainly in cats and dogs.
His claims were backed by Andrew Conway Ivy, a prominent
physiologist, and by several politicians including Senator Paul
Douglas (D-IL).[1] Ivy became convinced that Krebiozen possessed
anti-cancer properties,[4] administered the substance to himself and
colleagues, then to a dog, and eventually started testing Krebiozen
on patients.[2]

Ivy called a press conference in 1951 at which he announced to an
audience of journalists, politicians, doctors and potential investors
that Krebiozen was a success. At the press conference, Ivy claimed
that of 22 treated patients, 14 were alive and none had died of
cancer. However, in reality 10 of the treated patients had died—all
of cancer—at the time of the press conference.[2] Shortly afterward,
the Krebiozen Research Foundation was established by the Durovic
brothers, with Ivy as president.

Intrigued by Ivy's announcement, 10 hospitals and cancer research
centers followed up on the trial and attempted to reproduce Ivy's
claimed results. However, all of these independent researchers
observed no effect of Krebiozen on cancer. A compilation of these
institutions' negative data was reported in the Journal of the
American Medical Association in 1951.[5] Krebiozen's backers
responded by alleging a conspiracy against the drug.[2] In 1959, Ivy
began producing his own version of the drug under the name

On October 28, 1964, the Durovics, Ivy and the Krebiozen Research
Foundation were indicted for introducing mislabeled drugs into
interstate commerce in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
After a 9-month trial, the case ended with a hung jury and they were
acquitted.[2][7] Soon afterwards, Durovic was indicted for tax
evasion and fled the United States.[6]

Well that's one drug a unqualified investigator screwed up and was


That looks like two strikes for Fitzgerald...


And strike three!

Fitzgerald is a total strike out!
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
Francis Lee
2014-07-07 18:14:19 UTC
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:05:20 +1000, Blind Freddie aka sock of carole
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
The original Fitzgerald Report, from the Congressional Record of
August 3, 1953.


Read it for yourself and decide if the website that carole posted is
distorting the facts.
Post by Blind Freddie
"In the 1950’s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.
The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.
*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures
and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing
but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This
is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the
truth. CG "
Bob Officer
2014-07-07 18:33:32 UTC
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:14:19 -0400, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Francis Lee
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:05:20 +1000, Blind Freddie aka sock of carole
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
The original Fitzgerald Report, from the Congressional Record of
August 3, 1953.
Read it for yourself and decide if the website that carole posted is
distorting the facts.
It is a very distorted view, almost to the point of being
Post by Francis Lee
Post by Blind Freddie
"In the 1950’s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.
The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.
By mid 1960 each and every point which fitzgerald made was shown to
be false "con-games" played upon the american people for a profit and
endorsed by a congressional investigator which was not qualified to
investigate medical issues. Considering the 'report' was issued at
the highest point of the red scare, and congressional committees had
an limitless budget for all sort of "investigations" at the time, and
The mindset of those elected people were slight to extreme paranoid,
this sort of slip-shod reporting was entered into almost every issue
of the congressional record. Many elected congressmen bragged about
how many investigations they were doing try to show the Constituents
how hard they were working. This was congress trying to justify being
full time in Washington and collecting their per diem.

U forget were, but years ago prior to WW2 congress would open and
after a few weeks of work would recess for about 6-8 months and then
return for a few months for closing, spend the holidays in Washington
and then start up a new session work for a few months and then
recess. Congress actually spend about 6-8 months in recess subject to
Travel time recall.

After WW2 and the McCarthy era Congress started to act more like a
giant over-seer, trying to micro manage the government.

What it has amounted to is congress staying in DC all the time
gathered together, so lobbyist can get to the easier and they are
insulated from the electorate 97% of the time.

Now there is a conspiracy to run with ...
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2018-02-21 03:31:11 UTC
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
"In the 1950�s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.
The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.
*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures
and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing
but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This
is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the
truth. CG "
Blind Freddie
A brief history of FDA raids against providers of natural health
Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids on healers, vitamin
shops and supplement companies
robert Wood
2020-10-08 13:52:02 UTC
My sister has cancer and refused to read the Fitzgerald report. I knew Benedict. I wish she would listen. Her treatment center does not give a shit about coming up with an elete solution.
Anyone know what to do. Benedict is dead now, and I don't have any more of the slides hint, or light shining in the stranges of places.
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
"In the 1950�s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.
The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.
*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures
and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing
but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This
is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the
truth. CG "
Blind Freddie
A brief history of FDA raids against providers of natural health
Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids on healers, vitamin
shops and supplement companies
robert Wood
2020-10-08 20:18:22 UTC
Can anyone please investigate the UC Davis cancer center, on X street, in Sacramento, CA?
Thank You.
Post by robert Wood
My sister has cancer and refused to read the Fitzgerald report. I knew Benedict. I wish she would listen. Her treatment center does not give a shit about coming up with an elete solution.
Anyone know what to do. Benedict is dead now, and I don't have any more of the slides hint, or light shining in the stranges of places.
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
"In the 1950�s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.
The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.
*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures
and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing
but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This
is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the
truth. CG "
Blind Freddie
A brief history of FDA raids against providers of natural health
Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids on healers, vitamin
shops and supplement companies
2020-10-08 21:42:08 UTC
Post by robert Wood
Can anyone please investigate the UC Davis cancer center, on X street, in Sacramento, CA?
Thank You.
Well posting this request to an Australian newsgroup won't do you any
good. Go find a US based group.
2020-10-08 21:49:53 UTC
Post by Fran
Post by robert Wood
Can anyone please investigate the UC Davis cancer center, on X street, in Sacramento, CA?
Thank You.
Well posting this request to an Australian newsgroup won't do you any
good.  Go find a US based group.
If he contacts me I have Pete Evans phone number

robert Wood
2020-10-08 20:20:42 UTC
Please investigate UC Davis cancer center, X st, Sacramento, CA.
Thank You.
Post by robert Wood
My sister has cancer and refused to read the Fitzgerald report. I knew Benedict. I wish she would listen. Her treatment center does not give a shit about coming up with an elete solution.
Anyone know what to do. Benedict is dead now, and I don't have any more of the slides hint, or light shining in the stranges of places.
Post by Blind Freddie
1953 Fitzgerald Report - Suppressed Cancer Treatments
"In the 1950�s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to
investigate allegations of conspiracy* and monopolistic practices on
the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the
son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two
years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered
options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and
fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned
of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine.
He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated
an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed
a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to
eliminate alternative options.
The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record
Appendix August 3, 1953.
*We are conditioned to think that conspiracies are only conjectures
and the domain of the lunatic fringe - when a conspiracy is nothing
but another name for cartels, monopolies, cabals, combines etc.. This
is simply another bait and switch tactic to confuse us from seeing the
truth. CG "
Blind Freddie
A brief history of FDA raids against providers of natural health
Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids on healers, vitamin
shops and supplement companies