Let's fix it before it is too late.
Add Reply
2024-09-25 23:12:54 UTC
*How To Fix Social Media (Before It Destroys Democracy)*

/Adam Something, 1.27M subscribers, 26 Sept 2024/

"I expect this to be an extremely controversial video. Nonetheless,
these are the steps that I think must be taken in order to mitigate what
I view as a mortal threat to democracy. When discussing the issue
though, please keep in mind that my proposals to fix things are general
ideas, not policy papers sitting on a politician's desk."
~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Sadly social media has become the bottomless cesspit for human mental
depravity. Maybe (???) that was not the original intention of the
creators of these public forums, but the way these sites were set up
initially w/o understanding mass-psychology, human nature and
overwhelming number of malicious actors this horrible outcome was

So it would be high time to fix this nonsense, before it destroys the
even last remnants of social cohesion.
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-09-26 02:42:58 UTC
Orpooch's solution is to killfile.
Some champ of democracy!
Chump, chimp also work.
Peter Jason
2024-09-27 01:22:16 UTC
Post by Ördög
*How To Fix Social Media (Before It Destroys Democracy)*
/Adam Something, 1.27M subscribers, 26 Sept 2024/
"I expect this to be an extremely controversial video. Nonetheless,
these are the steps that I think must be taken in order to mitigate what
I view as a mortal threat to democracy. When discussing the issue
though, please keep in mind that my proposals to fix things are general
ideas, not policy papers sitting on a politician's desk."
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Sadly social media has become the bottomless cesspit for human mental
depravity. Maybe (???) that was not the original intention of the
creators of these public forums, but the way these sites were set up
initially w/o understanding mass-psychology, human nature and
overwhelming number of malicious actors this horrible outcome was
So it would be high time to fix this nonsense, before it destroys the
even last remnants of social cohesion.
Social cohesion is buggered because no one goes to church any more.
Religion was invented to coalesce the sheeple into compliance.

Visit the local cemetery and see how there was never any "social
Rod Speed
2024-09-27 03:51:12 UTC
Post by Ördög
Post by Ördög
*How To Fix Social Media
Not even possible.
Post by Ördög
(Before It Destroys Democracy)*
It isnt the media that does that and that's not going to happen anyway.=
Post by Ördög
Post by Ördög
/Adam Something, 1.27M subscribers, 26 Sept 2024/

"I expect this to be an extremely controversial video. Nonetheless,
these are the steps that I think must be taken in order to mitigate w=
Post by Ördög
Post by Ördög
I view as a mortal threat to democracy. When discussing the issue
though, please keep in mind that my proposals to fix things are gener=
Post by Ördög
Post by Ördög
ideas, not policy papers sitting on a politician's desk."
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Sadly social media has become the bottomless cesspit for human mental=
depravity. Maybe (???) that was not the original intention of the
creators of these public forums, but the way these sites were set up
initially w/o understanding mass-psychology, human nature and
overwhelming number of malicious actors this horrible outcome was
So it would be high time to fix this nonsense, before it destroys the=
even last remnants of social cohesion.
Social cohesion is buggered
It always has been given the convicts and the guards and free settlers.
Post by Ördög
because no one goes to church any more.
There was never any social cohesion when they did go to church,
most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of various kinds.
Post by Ördög
Religion was invented to coalesce the sheeple into compliance.
BULLSHIT, it was actually invented to have
various groups at each others throats.
Post by Ördög
Visit the local cemetery and see how there was never any "social
So your previous was mindless bullshit.
2024-09-27 09:38:40 UTC
Rod Speed wrote on 27/9/24 1:51 pm:

Post by Rod Speed
There was never any social cohesion when they did go to church,
most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of various kinds.
Sorry, Roddles, what do you mean by "social cohesion" in this case?? How
do you think the roman catholics and prods display it??
Rod Speed
2024-09-27 19:40:34 UTC
Post by Daniel70
Far too much
Post by Daniel70
Post by Rod Speed
There was never any social cohesion when they did go to church,
most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of various kinds.
Post by Daniel70
what do you mean by "social cohesion" in this case??
I wasnt the one that used that term, fuckwit.
Post by Daniel70
How do you think the roman catholics and prods display it??
I said that they have never done that, fuckwit.
2024-09-28 09:45:29 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
Far too much
Post by Daniel70
There was never any *social cohesion* when they did go to church,
most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of various kinds.
Post by Daniel70
what do you mean by "social cohesion" in this case??
I wasnt the one that used that term, fuckwit.
Yes, *YOU* were the one that used that term, asswipe. See, I've
highlighted it it your post, above, asswipe!!
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
How  do you think the roman catholics and prods display it??
I said that they have never done that, fuckwit.
Well, I'm just trying to get further information *OUT OF YOU* about
that, asswipe!!
Rod Speed
2024-09-28 16:29:25 UTC
Post by Daniel70
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
Far too much
Post by Daniel70
There was never any *social cohesion* when they did go to church,
most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of various kinds.
Post by Daniel70
what do you mean by "social cohesion" in this case??
I wasnt the one that used that term, fuckwit.
Yes, *YOU* were the one that used that term
Only when responding to the wog boy's use of it, fuckwit child.

<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>
Post by Daniel70
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
How do you think the roman catholics and prods display it??
I said that they have never done that, fuckwit.
<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>
2024-09-28 22:51:40 UTC
Alzheimer Rod in full on senile abuse regurgitation mode
Post by Rod Speed
wog boy
fuckwit child.
<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>
<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>
Stop conversing with your bathroom mirror, Alzheimer.
:-P :-P :-P
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-09-29 09:49:28 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
Far too much
Post by Daniel70
There was never any *social cohesion* when they did go to
church, most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of
various kinds.
Post by Daniel70
what do you mean by "social cohesion" in this case??
I wasnt the one that used that term, fuckwit.
Yes, *YOU* were the one that used that term
Only when responding to the wog boy's use of it, fuckwit child.
AH!! So you often use words/terms that you don't know the meaning of!!
O.K., so that explains a lot of your posts, Roddles!!
Post by Rod Speed
<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>
Post by Daniel70
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
How do you think the roman catholics and prods display it??
I said that they have never done that, fuckwit.
<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>
Rod Speed
2024-09-29 19:44:57 UTC
Post by Daniel70
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel70
There was never any *social cohesion* when they did go to
church, most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of
various kinds.
Post by Daniel70
what do you mean by "social cohesion" in this case??
I wasnt the one that used that term, fuckwit.
Yes, *YOU* were the one that used that term
Only when responding to the wog boy's use of it, fuckwit child.
AH!! So you often use words/terms that you don't know the meaning of!!
I never ever do that. I do know the meaning of that term but in this
particular situation it was what HE meant that matters, fuckwit child.

And given this shit is the best you can ever manage

<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>
2024-09-29 21:10:29 UTC
Alzheimer Rod emptied his bowels all over the keyboard
And given this shit is the best I can ever manage
<reams of my shit flushed where it belongs>
/Some typos above we corrected free of charge, The Editor/

:-P :-P :-P
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-09-29 22:52:50 UTC
Post by Ördög
<reams of my shit flushed where it belongs>
/Some typos above we corrected free of charge, The Editor/
Ördög shit dump, rewritten altered "reply"
Rod Speed never said or stated that
Ordog the Armchair communist
As Red as a tomato and nutritious as strychnine
he is anti-system and anti-global capitalism.
That is why his No1 purpose in life is to fight
for mass immigration promoted by politicians and big business.
He attacks working class resistance with bricks and eggs
then go listen to a speech by the local MP about
how great diversity is.
He believes he is such a radical
2024-09-29 23:13:12 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
Post by Petzl
Post by Ördög
<reams of my shit flushed where it belongs>
/Some typos above we corrected free of charge, The Editor/
Ördög shit dump, rewritten altered "reply"
Rod Speed never said or stated that
Ördög is a coward, like most Marxists.
2024-09-29 23:51:16 UTC
Petz, the love sick dumped newsgroup-boifriend of Alzhemier jumps to the
Post by Petzl
Alzheimer Rod posted his rage
And given this shit is the best I can ever manage
<reams of my shit flushed where it belongs>
/Some typos above we corrected free of charge, The Editor/
Ördög shit dump,
YAWN! Oh my! How a could a single short sentence amount to a "dump"???
Post by Petzl
rewritten altered "reply"
Not rewritten, just slightly corrected to reflect reality!
And of course, I have done it quite openly, unlike you who *silently*
falsify posted links, eh Petz dear???
Post by Petzl
Rod Speed never said or stated that
Congrats Einstein!
You don't have to reaffirm your obvious lack of reading comprehension,
Petz dear!
Sane readers of this newsgroup do have the ability to recall exactly
what Alzheimer vomited over his keyboard in his senile rage against
Daniel and are quite capable of interpreting my response the way it was

Poor-poor lovesick drunken loon Petz! I hope you realise that drowning
your sorrow in Goon Bag juice is only a temporary measure against the
pain of broken heart!

Your idiotic extremist and/or Xtian fundy hate propaganda and high
octane Goon-bag fumes induced fantasy sig (that quite often contains
uncredited, therefore clearly plagiarised material pinched from
countless alt-right sources) was flushed down the gurgler, as always,
without reading!
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-09-28 22:45:24 UTC
Alzheimer Rod Speed frothing around his teethless mouth as per usual
Alzheimer Rod Speed
There was never any *social cohesion* when they did go to church,
most obviously with the roman catholics and prods of various kinds.
what do you mean by "social cohesion" in this case??
I wasnt the one that used that term, fuckwit.
Yes, *YOU* were the one that used that term, asswipe. See, I've
highlighted it it your post, above, asswipe!!
How  do you think the roman catholics and prods display it??
I said that they have never done that, fuckwit.
Well, I'm just trying to get further information *OUT OF YOU* about
that, asswipe!!
Daniel, don't be too hard on Alzheimer Rod, as he is posting now in
uncontrollable old fart rage. Let him chill out a bit.

BTW trying to get into any rational discussion with Alzheimer is an
exercise in utter futility, unless one is a curious collector of brain
dead rightard abuse phrases. Alzheimer Rod have these beauties in
unlimited supply. But as to his views on politics and society one should
not expect anything sensible. Yeah, he ain't quite as irrational as his
love sick ex-newsgroup boifriend, Goon-Bagged Petz, but that is as far
as his virtues go.


BTW I did use this term social cohesion* in my OP but in an entirely
different context.
Clearly our raging senile rightards here ain't interested in discussing
the original subject of this thread.
The on duty Newsgroup Devil