Post by Dang Lin WangPost by John Howard's Blown Off Headhappens to only those who give up their guns.
# never blow their own brains out by accident
# never worry about school shootings nor mass shooters
# Never need a police force armed for fighting daily WW3
# Live happily ever after in a peace loving gun violence free society
It's only a matter of time until some smart and disgruntled
young man with a
3D printer gins up some banned machine guns and goes to town at a kindergarten
in Melbourne.
When that day comes, I will laugh my ass off.
Isn't mass stabbings in vogue over there right now?
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Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed